How to use this tool

Select a topic from the dropdown menu on the CHNA Data page.

How this tool was developed

In 2022, the Northeast Georgia CHNA partners engaged Public Goods Group (PGG) to collect and analyze quantitative data for the CHNA and over 190 public health indicators were examined in each of the communities served by the CHNA partners. Using this data, needs were identified through benchmark analyses, comparing region indicators against Georgia and national values. This Tableau can be used to look at various health and socioeconomic indicators for either the entire Northeast Georgia region or an individual service area. All data reflects the last year for which the data was publicly available, and most data is available at a ZIP code level.

Additionally, in March 2022, the CHNA partners published a community survey designed to gather the input and feedback of the broader community. Approximately 4,200 community members participated in this survey, answering questions that spoke to both their personal health and the health of the broader community.

PGG then created this Tableau database to provide an interactive mechanism to explore both the public health data and the community responses to the survey. Through this tool, community members, nonprofit organizations, and other interested groups can access relevant community health and socioeconomic information.

For more information, please contact PGG at